Road Patrol

Critical Incident Debriefing Team


In 1996, Staff Chaplain Bishop R.C. Popard began his service with the Saginaw Township Police Department. He formed the first Chaplain Program for the Saginaw Township Police Department.  Initially, Chaplain Popard was available for officers to confide in; that concept expanded into plans for a debriefing unit. rev popard That year, with support of the command staff, he selected seven certified officers that showed a deep interest in the overall well-being of officers on the department.  These officers became the core group of officers that formed the Critical Incident Debriefing Team.  The Critical Incident Debriefing Team (CIDT) was formed as an extension of the Chaplaincy Department.

The purpose of the team is to assist any employee who has suffered a trauma related to law enforcement.  The team also helps employees and their families deal with the emotions and physical effects that a trauma may have.  The long range goal is to assist the employee in having a long and psychologically healthy career.

So successful is the program, that the CID Team has offered their assistance to the public.  As an extension of the Chaplaincy, the CIDT assists the Staff Chaplain in death notification, on scene support to both the staff and the public, and offers a debriefing process to anyone that may be in need.



Training for the CIDT included 40 hours of class room instruction.  The department enlisted the assistance and knowledgeChaplain Badge of Bishop Jake Popjoy for the training.  He is an FBI Chaplain as well as an international instructor for the Church of Christ God School of Theology in Cleveland, Tennessee.  Each member received a certificate of completion and assists the Chaplaincy Department in formal critical incident debriefings.  Continued education is on a volunteer basis along with the many hours that the team puts in.  Critical incident debriefings are held in the strictest of confidence.  This also holds true for counseling sessions with any employee.

This program has been taught in the United States, Canada and South America by Staff Chaplain Bishop R.C. Popard.  He is a certified instructor with the Church of God Chaplains Commission.



The Saginaw Township Police Department's Chaplaincy Program, along with the Critical Incident Debriefing Team, has become a model that others follow.  The team is committed to assist our officers and staff along with any law enforcement agency that may be interested.
